Friday 10 May 2013

Career counselling - Flatulist

With the viral fever of " Gangnam Style" that victimized nearly every modern men and women including the most powerful men like American and British leaders, the world has now unfastened its knots for more innovative careers heralding youngsters to follow the golden path of Globalization. With the success of youtube and itunes, the world can now see more promising career opportunities in the field of such videos that doesn't precisely require your high quality script but just a reckless act can be formal enough to draw viewers in the world of entertainment. 

Many youths today go astray in following their right choice of career, and get the best counselling as " follow your passion son", " Make your passion, your profession " etc. However, what if your passion is to do the craziest things in public and get noticed without any expectation of appreciations or humiliations, because both attract viewers and precisely that should be the primary focus. So it's a new category or sector apart from music and arts, overall a new subject of humorology. 

Now the time comes to add some wacky spices as a vocational subject and turn it into a completely new kind of study that further can give the entry to the most successful world of entertainment. It can not only fetch money by selling videos but also be hiking share values, TRP's of media channels, etc.

Taking all these into consideration, the best start that comes into my mind should be as a flatulist or a social farter. It doesn't need  any academic background, however, the person should be equipped with enormous talent and excessive knowledge of music. The parents should identify their kid's passion in advance by observing the beats and tunes he or she can play and also the recklessness to play it anywhere in churches, streets, offices, etc and that too with intense passion.  Sooner or later after some professional courses on flatulism ( the institutions I've Imagined ) their kids may be seen playing throbbing beats of drums, pianos, guitar with their own natural instrument along with full action all over the world. If this goes viral, who knows the act may be seen imitated by the top leaders of this world socially to win the poll of the public.

So a message to all the enthusiasts of stardom, if you don't sing, play music, or know how to act this can be a golden opportunity to start your profession either as a trainer, performer or promoter. 

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